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Format for parallel sessions

For each paper: 20 minutes presentation; 10 min. discussion with questions from the floor; no preassigned discussants.

Each room has a PC desktop already connected with the screen. There is no need to bring your laptop. Rather, bring a key to upload your presentation to the desktop.

May 24

8.30-9.15: Registration and welcome coffee break

9.15-9.30, Aula Magna: Welcome addresses: Pietro Dindo, Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice; Malte Dold, Pomona College and INEM chairman; Ivan Moscati, University of Insubria and a local organizer

9.30-11.00: Parallel sessions A (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

11.00-11.30: Coffee break

11.30-12.45, Aula Magna: Plenary 1: Anna Alexandrova, Cambridge University:

"Who is the economist? The struggle for economics’ identity in the era of the empirical turn” (with Isaac Kean)

12.45-14.15: Lunch

14.15-15.45: Parallel sessions B (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

15.45-16.15: Coffee break

16.15-17.45: Parallel sessions C (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

May 25

9.15-10.45: Parallel sessions D (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

10.45-11.15: Coffee break

11.15-12.45: Parallel sessions E (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

12.45-14.15: Lunch

14.15-15.30, Aula Magna: Plenary 2: Douglas Bernheim, Stanford University:

"The challenges of behavioral welfare economics"

15.30-16.00: Coffee break

16.00-17.30: Parallel sessions F (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

17.30-18.00, Aula Magna: General assembly of INEM members

18.00-20.30: Free time / 18.15-19.30: Young scholars' social event at Al Parlamento, Cannaregio 511

20.30-22.00: Social Dinner at Laguna Libre, Cannaregio 969 (on the other side of Canale di Cannaregio)

May 26

9.15-10.45: Parallel sessions G (Rooms 8A, 9A, 10A, 9B, 10B)

10.45-11.15: Coffee break

11.15-12.30, Aula Magna: Plenary 3: María Jiménez Buedo, UNED Madrid:

"Some reflections on construct validity in economics"

12.30-13.30: Farewell lunch / End of conference

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